It's so doable! A few minutes a day recording whatever is going on and adding a bit of art quickly adds up to a wonderful illustrated record. Why wait until 2025? If this is something calling to you, just start! Thank you for the shout out, too.

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hah, I should just start instead of ruminating on it. I’ve loved reading your prompts and essays each week for a while. It’s just been a time of transition at my house and it feels like there’s a lot of friction for starting something new. But I will add finding a sketchbook and assembling a little kit of supplies to my to do list this week!

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I encourage you not to overthink it. It looks to me like you are already combining journaling with illustration! You could always just say you want to do a bit more of that over the next few months in the journal you are already using — and then start a new journal in the new year. Don’t let it add stress!

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"Why wait until 2025? If this is something calling to you, just start!"

Absolutely love this advice!!

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