Last Monday I turned 40. Four zero. I thought I would have a few more things figured out by now but mostly I thought I would spend less time thinking about the state of my skin.
I had already more or less celebrated and recognized this milestone birthday with a trip to Iceland in late June, so I wasn’t expecting ~*much*~ but I also wasn’t planning to a) forget that I wanted to take the kids to the bakery to get cupcakes and b) completely pop a (brand new!) tire whilst driving home on the toll road (from taking my younger two to an indoor play place, which was decidedly not an outing planned for myself, although we did meet up with friends).
I was so annoyed by this I decided to re-celebrate my birthday the following day. Because it was a holiday week in the US, my kids had no preschool/camps and various cancellations of regularly scheduled activities. I knew there would be a lot of time to fill and I had decided to really lean into my birthday and find lots of fun (indoor, air conditioned) things to do.
So, we had lots of fun things to choose from on Tuesday. I grabbed coffee from my friend’s cute new coffee truck (and picked up some to take to another friend with a new baby), took my kids to a children’s book store I’ve been wanting to check out, and grabbed cupcakes before heading home.
I’m happy to report that we knocked everything off my birthday week list. I really enjoyed seeing Inside Out 2 with my oldest, and capped my week off with a (solo) shopping trip to the stationery store, Paper and Craft Pantry. They really had too much good stuff and I’m excited to play with my new goodies in my journal.
The list ended up being SO HELPFUL in turning the week around (more than once). It’s easy for me to think I’ll try that recipe/ visit that place/ set up that activity for the kids someday, and then never actually do it. There’s a lot of value in having a “just for fun” to do list set up for the week.
Finally, I finally (haha) got around to writing an ‘about’ page. I’m not sure why I didn’t do it years ago. I didn’t get a lot done otherwise and was hoping to be more focused this week since we’ll be back to more of a typical summer routine, but considering I got my planner out at 10 pm to map out the week ahead, it’s not looking super great!
Weekly Actions
Dream Book and weekly call
Rewrite annual goals
Weekly reflections and next week actions
Daily plan and reflections
Fun and Recreation
vacation planning
plane tickets for Squam
read for book bingo
ClubMakse friendship bracelets
Work and Learning
send out newsletter
Family and Relationships
text M and L
mood manager workshop
Differently Wired club
The Connection Hive
Building resilience and stress tolerance workshop
Health and Wellness
6 active days on Peloton
track cycle
take vitamins and probiotics daily
Spiritual and Personal Growth
ClubMakse Season of Yes kick off (replay)
Physical Environment
meal/ snack prep
refrigerator organization
Have a great week! More from me soon xo
Happy birthday! 🎈
Happy birthday! 💙
I love how intentional you were about marking the day.